Tourist Places In Boudh

Tourist Places in Boudh

Buddha Statue: Three remarkable Buddhist statues are found in Boudh are indicative of the fact that it was once a center of Buddhist culture. One of the statue is present in Boudh town. The total height of this image is 6ft. 9 inches of which the seated figure measures 4 ft. 3 inches in height and 3 ft. 10 inches from knee to knee. It is seated in the Bhumisparsa Mudra on a lotus throne 1 ft. 2 inches in height placed on a pedestal 11 inches in height and 4 ft. 6 inches in breadth. The whole image is built up in sections with carved stones. The only attendant figures are two Gandharvas flying with garlands in their hands on the sides of the head. On the whole this colossus of Boudh compares favourably with similar colossi at Udayagiri and Lalitgiri in Cuttack district. The image is uninscribed and beneath the pedestal is the ancient stone pavement of the original shrine. This appears to be the site of an ancient Buddhist monastery the remains of which are still to be found. At a distance of 40 Km. from Boudh town the image of Budhha is in the village shyamsundarpur. The height of statue is 5 ft. and the image is in the same posture as in Boudh town. Here also the only attendant figures are two Gandharvas flying with garlands in their hands at the back of the Budhha statue. The image is built up in sand stone. Locally it is known as Jharabaudia Mahaprabhu. Another Budhha statue is also seen in the village Pragalapur which is at a distance of 2 km. from Shyamsundarpur. The height of this statue is 3.5 ft.. In the left hand side of the statue there are 3 numbers of invisible image and on the right hand side their lies five numbers of image called ugratara.
Ramanath Temple: A group of three temples of Siva at Boudh town called the Rameswar or Ramanath temples , dating back to the 9th century A.D. are reputed for their special feature. The decorative motifs and the plastic art of three temples at Boudh are certainly superior to and older than the great lingaraj Ananta Vasudeva group. One particular feature of the Ramanath temple is worth particular attention. Their plan is quite different from any other temples. In plan these temples are eight-rayed stars and the argha-pattas of the lingas are also similar.These magnificent temples built of red sandstone and profusely carved are stated to have been constructed in mid-ninth century A.D. The temples with rich texture and curved surfaces are strikingly noteworthy. Each of these temples stands by itself on a raised platform and each consists of a cell and an attached portico. The minute recesses and angularities produce a charming effect of light and shade and confer an appearance of greater height from the continued cluster of vertical lines than they really possess. Archeological Survey of India has preserved this temple.
Chandra Chuda & Matengeswar Temple: The Chandra Chuda & Matengeswar temple are situated on the bank of river Mahanadi in Boudh town. Both the temples are Siva temples. In the Matengeswar temple there is also separate temple for goddess Parvati.
Purunakatak: Purunakatak , situated at a distance of 30 Km. from Boudh on Boudh-Bhubaneswar road is a trading center of some importance. Goddess Bhairabi is the presiding deity of the place . The temple has beautiful entrance. Durga puja festival is observed here for sixteen days. Just opposite to the Bhairabi temple is the temple of Maheswar Mahadev. One Inspection Bunglow is in the nearby for staying.
Padmatola Sanctuary & Satakosia Gorge: The district is rich in wild life resources. The Padmatola Sanctuary in the district can be approached from Charichhak,43 km. east on the Bhubaneswar to Balangir road and by a fair weather road from Daspalla. The distance of this place from Boudh town is 80 Km. To the end of this sanctuary the majestic Satakosia Gorge with its lush green forests and rich wild life is located. The crocodile sanctuary set up at Tikarapada ,located on the left bank of the gorge is an added attraction of this place. The meandering Mahanadi, flowing amidst the hills forms here the mightiest gorge in India, measuring 22 km long. This is an ideal place for boating, angling and adventure. Goddess Binikeyee, the presiding deity of Satakosia gorge is enshrined at the entrance. She is seen in the form of a four armed Chamundi and is worshipped according to Tantric rites. A forest IB at Sitalapani which is near to this place provides excellent accommodation for those nature loving people who want to spend a day or two.